i mean, it was good....
it was good, and a good concept, but its way too easy. you dont even need the shield, and on the second level, there arent any guards, but when u finish, it says u did not kill all the guards.
i mean, it was good....
it was good, and a good concept, but its way too easy. you dont even need the shield, and on the second level, there arent any guards, but when u finish, it says u did not kill all the guards.
the coins reproduced every, like, 30 seconds. every 30 seconds ONE coin would come. also, background music.
theres a way...
i thought that there was no way for player 1 to win. but i realized that the computer keeps on faking you out by lighting the distract light. then when you buzz, you lose the round. you have to wait until the big green light in the middle lights up.
liked it
i actually liked that a lot. i think its a little fun addicting thing, but if it continued this way, it would get boring. my suggestion is to have, like, power up thingies and enemies. also, since (no offense) but the actionscripting is quite simple, maybe put more effort into making little mini games that confront you at the end of every level? but good job
i dont know
the graphics were REALLY REALLY bad. It was just a horror to play. Plus, the thing at the end didnt work right. The green thing. Um, just work more on animation. This is Newgrounds, not Swashed! *insert audience 'OOOOO'*. Anyway, goodbye.
I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!w00T!
THAT WAS WITHOUT DOUBT ONE OF THE BEST GAMES I HAVE EVER PLAYED! i loved the whole blue and red concept and i just thought it was great in general. The only thing was, can you make a continue thing, because whenever you get game over, you have to read the plot line again "they have underestimated him" etc. BUT ALL IN ALL, GREAT JOB!
Glad you liked it.
You obviously didn't notice the "Skip Intro" button in the lower right corner of the screen - that bypasses the intro. It's barely visible, but it's there. :)
It was okay....
I didnt like it that much. I really liked the ideas and the level structure and the sounds and all of that artsy fartsy stuff and you did an okay job on the AS, however, were you just too lazy to make a crawling animation for sluggy, or what? come on! get with the program!
I have a question, please, I am completely stumped on level 4! I have tried using the pad like a telephone pad, but it doesnt work! PLEASE tell me how to get past it
Check your numpad ;)
Some message....
Joined on 3/6/05